Return Policy
You may return a new, unopened and unused item within 30 days of purchase for any reason.
The item must be unopened, unused and include all original manufacturer packaging and tags. Items returned within 30 days are eligible for a full refund.
Returns are not accepted on floating docks and piers, special orders, drop shipped items and certain other goods and services. Please ask for the specific return policy on items you order and/or have delivered.
Shipping Charges for a Return: We do not refund original shipping charges unless we shipped you an incorrect item in error. In these rare circumstances we will pay return shipping charges and all new shipping charges for the replacement item we send out.
Warranties: Most items covered by a manufacturer warranty must be sent directly back to the manufacturer for repair or replacement or to the nearest authorized factory service center. If the reason for return is a matter of personal error (you ordered duplicate items, you changed your mind, etc.,) you are responsible for the original shipping charges and shipping charges back to Eastern Sports.
Most new products have a warranty specified by the manufacturer. While most manufacturers offer a 1-2 year warranty, some may have a lifetime warranty.
We provide an in-house warranty on all pre-owned items. This warranty covers replacement with another similar item or a refund if the item has malfunctioned.
If you have a question about the warranty of a specific product, please see our detailed product pages, or visit the manufacturer website.
If you still have questions about the warranty on a given product, give us a call at 443-730-0300.